Kent Optronics, Inc. offers a wide range of products developed from our proprietary liquid crystal materials as well as device and system designs.
Currently we offer the following products:
VIS/IR scene projector: used for for hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) and Visible/IR sensor test & evaluation (T&E).
- MWIR and LWIR, a large format two-color high temperature IR scene projector for thermal video with blackbody apparent temperature (BAT) over 3,000°C.
- MPSP, which generates both images and videos with spectrum selection and spatially modulated polarization.
- VSP, Hi-speed, Hi-definition customized visible scene projectors for simulation applications.
Laser protection devices (LPD) that automatically detects, discriminates, threshold, and selectively rejects threatening laser(s).
Spectral sensor: used for multispectral and hyperspectral imaging.
- Multimode HSI/MSI, a lightweight, compact, and cost-effective multi-mode imager with user-selectable spectral resolutions in the short wave infrared (SWIR) band.
- Spatial and Spectral Foveal Sensor, a SWIR sensor which offers user defined region of interest (ROI) with high spatial resolution and narrow spectral linewidth.
- Compressive Sensor, can be used as a scientific research backbone platform for facilitating advanced Compressed Sensing, Machine Vision, Deep Learning research, and also a good education platform for college students to study in the field of artificial intelligence (AI)
e-Transflector: a switchable mirror that serves as the basic component block for light modulation, laser bean direction, shutter, variable iris, etc…
Tunable filter series: used for both light wavelength notch and selection. The filter series consists of the following products:
- S-TNF, which can be switched between notch blocking and transparent non-blocking states.
- B-NF, which is a binned switchable notch filter without polarizers.
- NP-TNF, which is a polarizer free tunable notch filter.
- VBTuF, which offers independent control on center wavelength and bandwidth.
VLT spectacle: an electrically variable light transmission (VLT) see-through spectacle that provide dynamic light transmission control to accommodate lighting level between bright and dark environments.
WFOV foveal NVG: a lightweight and compact night vision goggle with 80° field of view (FOV) and high on-axis resolution.